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Our top 5 reasons for studying a HN Flex programme

We know that studying for an entire degree or university level qualification can be a daunting (and potentially expensive!) prospect, but our new HN Flex delivery is here to give you the flexibility you need to make fitting your degree qualification in amongst your existing commitments an absolute breeze.  

Here’s how it works, and five reasons why it might be the perfect fit for you! 

How does HN Flex work? 

Our HN Flex programmes allow you to study a university level qualification (like a HNC or HND) as individual modules, rather than studying multiple units simultaneously. You can either study one or two units that best suit your desired learning outcomes or continue to stack units together until you achieve the full qualification. This approach means that you can study in bite-size chunks that better suit your lifestyle, your individual needs and your budget!. 

Here are our top reasons for choosing HN Flex! 

1. Flexibility, flexibility, flexibility 

The whole purpose behind HN Flex is that it allows you to fit higher education into your existing commitments, whether that’s work, childcare or even commuting. You can take on as many units as you feel comfortable with and complete them at your own pace. There’s also an option to complete them via distance learning if that’s more convenient for you! 

2. Cherry pick units for specific career goals 

If you’re already working and you’re looking to upskill or pursue a promotion, HN Flex could be the perfect choice. With Flex, you can cherry pick the units that are most relevant to your existing employment, so you don’t have to commit to a full qualification when a handful of modules would be more appropriate, saving you both time and money! 

3. Pay as you learn 

It’s no secret that studying for a degree these days can be an expensive undertaking, but with HN Flex, you only have to pay for the units you study, so you can tackle the tuition fees in bite-size pieces. Not only does this make it easier to spread the cost of learning, but for some it might mean that you can avoid taking out a student loan altogether.  

4. Minimal commitment, maximum gain 

We know that signing up to a course that could last up to two years is a big commitment, especially if you’re returning to education after a career break, or if you’re working alongside your studies. With HN Flex, you only have to worry about one module at a time, and with each unit taking approximately 8 weeks to complete, you can choose to study at the most convenient time for you, rather than juggling exams and coursework at the same time as managing your career or childcare! 

5. Different delivery mode, same amazing support 

No matter which way you choose to study, HN Flex still offers you all of the same student support resources as our full-time students. You’ll still have access to academic support through our HE Tutorial Mentor and expert industry tutors. If you need mental health or well-being support, there are loads of resources available such as our Listening Service, or Mental Health First Aiders.  

Click here to view our HN Flex programmes and apply today! 

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